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Corporate Partnership Opportunities

While unrestricted funding is critical for our ability to operate, we welcome the opportunity to collaboratively create a partnership that will benefit our community and the Black business owners we hope to impact through Dream Incubator. Whether you would like to offer your employees the opportunity to lead community courses, create a curriculum we can offer to our participants or fund a named micro-grant, we can work together to shape your support in a way that will have a true and direct impact. 

Image by Cytonn Photography

Since The Spice Suite opened its doors in 2015, we have built relationships and engaged with hundreds of small business owners and navigated the incredibly complex world of both public and private funding, education, and resources. These funding sources are amazing, if they are accessible. But the barriers for Black entrepreneurs start long before they are eligible for most sources of traditional funding and often don’t look like what the mainstream conversation around entrepreneurship discusses. For example—in Washington, D.C., applicants for business licenses are ineligible if they owe the city more than $100, to include parking enforcement tickets or taxes. 


These roadblocks can accumulate quickly and are often enough to demotivate even the most ambitious small business owner. Our micro-grants and scholarships will stand in the gap for Black business owners who need funds to move past some of the unseen challenges in the journey to launch, grow or sustain a business. These grants will cover, but are not limited to:


Paying Off Parking Tickets

Business License Registration Fees


Continuing Education Classes

Tax Preparation

Website design/Social Media Marketing 

Product Photography/Professional Headshots

Micro-grants and Sponsorships

Our Recent Partnership

Dream Incubator has partnered with local organizations and businesses to create meaningful opportunities for underserved entrepreneurs. Through initiatives like on-the-spot business licensing, tax guidance, financial literacy programs, and vendor showcases, we’re breaking down barriers and fostering economic growth. These partnerships aim to empower individuals with the tools and resources needed to succeed in their entrepreneurial journeys.

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